Our Marketing Services Strategies

Concise Video Content for Brand Account

‣ Short videos that highlight and showcase the main features or focus on the products.
‣ Dynamic live video teasers or engaging pre-event videos.
‣ Livestream highlights.

Strategic TikTok Live Services

‣ Empower brands and creators with extended sessions of 1.5 to 2 hours.
‣ Leverage the power of product pinning and comment management to enhance conversion and brand advocacy.
‣ Real-time live admin support, enabling seamless interactions with audiences.

Strategic Creator Affiliate Management

‣ Implement a flexible commission and/or fixed fee model to incentivize creators.
‣ Utilize TikTok to engage audiences and sell products through captivating videos and live sessions.
‣ Establish, monitor, and manage creator affiliate programs for seamless collaboration and success.

TikTok Shop Set-up & Management

‣ Seamless account set-up and management.
‣ Product category whitelisting and official TikTok brand account creation.
‣ Register for platform pilot programs to gain early access to innovative features.
‣ Monitor account activity and performance for continuous improvement.
‣ Get registered for category-specific and major platform campaigns to amplify your reach.
‣ Expert assistance in TikTok Shop Seller Center registration and set-up.

Our services drive your success.

  • Get famous TikToker RunnerKao as your ambassador
  • Link up with TikTok KOLs from all walks of life
  • Lower ad dollars with our organic-centric content
  • Earn long term passive revenue with long-lasting organic videos
  • Gain massive brand awareness and reinforce your brand identity
  • Take advantage of our knowledge of TikTok's algorithm for organic reach
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We endeavor to drive your TikTok content and sales initiatives to success.

Our academy, coupled with state-of-the-art technological services, equips individuals with the essential tools, knowledge, and support needed to flourish on this dynamic platform.

  • Brand Collaborations

    Connect with diverse creators to amplify your brand’s reach.

    Inquire about services 
  • Creators Affiliation

    Empower your creativity with top brand partnerships through us.

    Join our team 

Why Choose Us?

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  • TikTok Expertise

    Over 2 years of experience in TikTok, garnering countless viral TikTok shop video hits that led to thousands of passive sales.

  • Get Organic Reach

    Delivering the desired message in an organic & entertaining way, while leveraging on the latest trends.

  • Our Multi-Creators Network

    As one of the top MCN in TikTok, tap on our large pool of passionate TikTok creators under our network.

  • TikTok Shop Partners Achievements

    We received TikTok Shop's Diamond Star Agency Award for Multi-Channel Networks in 2023, and Platinum Star Agency Award for TikTok Shop Partners in 2022.

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